Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Tagine's Smarter Than Your Honor Student

Lookie! Look at the perfect, creamy yellow glaze! Look at the gracefully curving neck!

I came home today, after a super crappy couple of days (work-related), wanting comfort food, a big glass of wine, and a quiet evening. Waiting for me in the arms of a genial UPS man was BIG BROWN BOX. Inside the box? This gorgeous creature! All thanks to my fellow tagine-fan and bestest friend a gal could have, A. THANK YOU A, I LOVE LOVE LOVE every last inch of my new tagine!

Thursday nights I traditionally make up the grocery list for the next week, and this one's sure to include several tagine recipes! Perhaps a chicken dish, a lamb dish? The possibilities are endless!

And yes, I'm aware I've used lots of exclamation points in this post! Well, I am very excited! So there!

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